19 parts Complete A Star Wars clone wars story. It's different than the actual series since I changed some of it. I made an OC. I also start this off before Anakin turned.
Years after Ahsoka walked away from the Jedi Order, she regretted doing such a thing. She had caused her master, Anakin Skywalker, lots of pain. And she feels that its because of her that he became Darth Vader and terrorized the galaxy. She goes, along with her newly found friend, Kara, who had also met him before his sudden turn, gotten along quite closely with him as she has, and before she had so foolishly walked away, finding themselves in a bit of a dire situation when they run into Darth Vader. Ahsoka's former master and Kara's once best friend.
Will they be able to turn him back to the light? Or will it be too late for him?
((Note, some things may not be accurate, just a warning.