I sit here, in my dark thoughts. Wondering how the hell I'm going to make it til dawn. I contemplate my own destruction. My hips are dripping crimson red. From my old, old friend. Who would've thought that I would ever let such a small piece of metal define me. Constantly bringing me comfort; Numbness if you will. I'm losing this fight. I don't know how I'll survive tonight. Silently, quietly I look for a tool. But there are so many. A gun? Bleach? Ah, perhaps a rope? I pull up a stool. Grab a notebook. As I'm writing my final farewells, a tear leaves an imprint on the paper, causing the pen to smudge. Next, I grab the rope. I've long since learned the art of tying a noose. I place the loop around my neck. The other side attached to my ceiling fan. I stand on the stool. I'm sobbing by now. And as I utter my final goodbyes to this cruel world. I think to my poor mother. My dear, dear mother. I've caused her so much pain... I jump.... And just like that I cease to exist..Todos os Direitos Reservados
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