A story set in the modern day with the Disney Princesses as the main characters living life as 'normal' teenagers. Their paths eventually cross when they all go to a prestigious boarding school called Northuldra Academy together where secrets are revealed, promises are made, dreams are shattered and the Disney Princesses realise that Northuldra Academy is not the safe haven they thought it was... STARRING... Snow White - Confused teenager Cinderella - Fashion designer Aurora (Briar Rose) - Pop star Ariel - Aspiring Olympic swimmer & Lady of Atlantica Belle - Writer Jasmine - Businesswoman Pocahontas - Environmentalist Mulan - Self defense instructor Tiana - Trainee Chef Rapunzel - Trainee Nurse / Painter Merida - Professional Archer Moana - Wants to join the Navy Anna - Travel Journalist Elsa - Teacher at Northuldra Academy