At 12 years old, George Weasley's life takes an unexpected turn when a mix-up leads to a letter exchange with Lucie Deveraux, a mysterious girl from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. What starts as an innocent pen pal relationship soon blossoms into an unlikely and deep friendship, despite the miles between them. Through the years, they share their triumphs, troubles, and dreams, with letters crossing the Channel between England and France.
When the Quidditch World Cup brings them closer than ever, they dream of finally meeting in person. But when the event descends into chaos and the Death Eaters strike, both George and Lucie find their worlds upended. In the aftermath, with threats looming, their bond is tested in ways they never imagined.
Through letters and memories, the two must navigate the dangers of the wizarding world, the pull of their growing feelings for each other, and the ever-present shadow of dark forces.