Magic is in Storybrooke. Memories have returned. Families reunited. Cruse is broken.
As the curse is broken, Alana and Emma finally meet their parents with their real memories Prince Charming and Snow White while their friend Amy was out for Regina's blood and her father, Mr Gold, was happy to help her. As Mr Gold helped Amy summoned a wraith with the intention of killing Regina, they didn't know that Regina was going to work with the Charming Family and accidentally, Alana, Emma and Mary Margaret get sucked into the Enchanted Forest, that still existed. While the three women were in the Enchanted Forest, they met new allies, new foes and Alana, Emma and Mary Margaret along with Cora, Regina's Mother, and Captian Hook were all looking for a way to get to Storybrooke.
When Alana, Emma and Mary Margaret were back in Storybrooke with their family, unknown to them that Cora and Captain Hook had found their own to Storybrook and were ready to cause chaos. A new stranger arrived in town, he knew who everyone was, about their past and their magic, he hated them all and wanted them all gone. It isn't long before Mr Gold was soon ready to cash in his favour with the twins, to find his son, Mr Gold, Alana, Emma and Henry travelled to New York City. During their time away from Storybrooke, Alana and Emma were reunited with a familiar face, Henry's father. Alana's life got even more complicated when Henry's father is engaged to a woman who wanted to destroy Storybrooke's magic with the stranger and with destroying the magic, destroys the town and everyone inside, unless they all work together, to keep the town and everyone safe.
Regina Mills had spent her whole life fighting Love, or Evil. When she was younger she fought for the love she had for Daniel, and tried her hardest to fight her mother's evil, ultimately ending in losing Daniel. For a while, she tried to fight the evil that began festering inside after the loss, and she lost that battle too. Then, for years she fought the love that Snow White and Prince Charming had for eachother, doing everything in her incredibly vast power to try and ruin it for them. Everything she did fought off love, deep down she felt unworthy of it, even from her own son who she truly loved but still kept at arm's length. When she met Emma Swan, it was different. Emma didn't even try to suck up to the mayor, she didn't care about Henry's stories of her evil-doing, though she did believe him. She wasn't scared of Regina, so she had no love to fight.
It felt wrong, but for that very reason, Regina found herself with fondness for Emma. How odd, that the younger woman's lack of love caused the older woman to become fascinated.
It felt wrong, and it felt scary, and Regina Mills didn't like feeling scared.