Owning and operating your own business involves so much more than simply selling your products or services. In addition to working on your company in a certain way, you need to constantly work on developments. This exists almost in every stage of business cycle and is a fundamental process during the growth phase.
Useful knowledge can be found in
- Experience of employees
- Designs and processes for your goods & services
- Your files/documents
- Your plans of future activities
All businesses have access to a pool of knowledge, whether its understanding the work environment or customers' needs, skills and experience of staff etc. The way organizations gather, share and exploits this knowledge can be vital to its ability and development.
Improve your Business Knowledge with ONPASSIVE
In order to manage the collection and exploitation of knowledge in your business you need to build a culture in which knowledge is valued across the business. ONPASSIVE does the same. One of the ways ONPASSIVE does this is by providing incentives to staff that provides useful market news or suggest ways customers can be better served.
As a part of knowledge management ONPASSIVE makes sure that any intellectual property owned by the business is protected so that the competitors cannot copy it and it also allows you to profit by licensing your business knowledge.
ONPASSIVE makes sure to keep the business knowledge confidential by creating proper employment policies. It gets all the staff members sign the non-disclosure agreement or confidentiality agreement when they join the company. This ensures that they understand the importance of confidentiality from day one.
ONPASSIVE identifies value of knowledge for business and uses it for financial gain by getting a larger market share, developing new products, coming up with innovative ideas, selling or licensing protected intellectual property to others by ensuring it fits to the overall business plan.
17 ans, marocaine et turc, Zayira.. une fille complètement perdu sur sa vie, va bientôt être mise à la rue.
Elle va faire la rencontre d'un groupe qui va changer sa vie à jamais..