Author : Renita Nozaria
Disclaimer : Google. Seven Deadly Sins. The Devil Codex. Blogger. But ALL the storyline, quotes and characters are belong to me. Don't try to be copycats or silent readers. Its not even funny. Oh wait. DO NOT COPYING MY TYPING STYLE OR WHAT EVER ABOUT IT. I WOULD BE SO MAD. I'm done, thanks.
Author's Notes : Well, this story is mainly about Seven Deadly Sins, The Chosen One and The Devil Codex. Sorry if you don't like it._.v Just tell me if you do like, or don't like this._.
Summary : "Demons always need Angel to handle their wildness, but now, what happened to you, Gina?"
"What's wrong?"
"You. I know you love two of them."
" It makes no sense, Regina Shields! Are you crazy?"
"I don't know" She says softly, "Could it be different if Angel needs Demons to survive from her destiny?"