Eli Gold has been living in a house of abuse and pain for sixteen years. Now, at sixteen years old, he is beginning to understand what is being done to him and why. Unable to cope with the pain of the abuse from both of his parents, he’s turned to smoking, drinking and drugs in an attempt to forget.
But that will never be enough. Nothing will ever make Eli forget what has happened and what is happening to him. The only way he can escape is through writing; something he’s kept secret all his life. That is, until the Principle of Oilfield High, Eli’s school, announces that they are looking for a director for the school play. Seizing his chance, Eli signs up, finally feeling as though he’ll have meaning to his life. Until he sees his competition, in the form of Katie Fluke; a girl who has average grades, average friends and average looks. A girl who wants to help Eli overcome his dark past and present.
Can she help Eli through the abuse? Can she make him see that telling someone is the right thing to do?
But just when Eli thinks he can open up to Katie, a bombshell is dropped onto his life. Eli begins to discover the true reason why his parents beat him and torment him. He begins to uncover what really happened on the day he was born. And just like that, Eli’s world is thrown into more chaos as he attempts to discover who he really is, because he is not Eli Gold. He’s a replacement for the real Eli Gold.
If he’s not Eli… then who is? And, more importantly, who is he?