Two people have talents that will make you believe the impossible. One of them is Barry Allen; an ordinary man who works for the Central City Police Department as a forensic scientist during the day, but saves lives at night. How, you may ask? By being the fastest man in the world, by being The Flash. He will do anything to save the innocent, protect his loved ones, and battle those who try to wreak havoc on the city.
The other person who has talents you may ask, is a S.T.A.R.'s Lab experiment. When Barry finds out that S.T.A.R. Labs was working on a project long before the night of the particle accelerator explosion-not only his life changes-but his adventure as a superhero gets an upgrade. The only twist is, the experiment is a girl named Andi Brave, who has more powers then he can think of and a mystery he wants to unravel.
So many questions are left for Barry to ask. So little time he has to prepare for what Andi Brave will do to make an influence on him, and him on her.
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