Leslie and Ryo are twins they are inseparable. They love to sing, dance, and paint. People say they are very creative all the time. But once their father remarried they had an awful stepmother and they both shut them self from the world. . . . Now to the current events. . . . Leslie and Ryo were done with classes online so they diced to watch their favorite Tv show GO! well its also in Netflix. They had seen it many of times but they always keep rewatching it. So they went for snacks but bump into their stepmother and she smiled to them that send shivers down their spine. They were about to make themselves some snacks but their stepmother told them that she was going to make them for them and at that moment they saw their dad leaning in the door so they let her and ran to their rooms. But how they will wish they would have refused. They sat down and played the series in some minutes their father and stepmother came in and delivered the snacks but before they left they didn't miss the smirk on there stepmothers face. They started to eat and watch the series but as it was ending they were starting to feel dizzy, and the need to get air but their body wasn't cooperating with them. Then they realized one thing after they blacked out that they didn't expect or did they?......All Rights Reserved