"In a forest premival, a school for good and evil," Ena is a girl of flame and shadow, juggling both the purest light and darkness inside. Stolen from the streets of Camelot, a girl who can weld the wind to her will, and words as well, she is dropped into the school heard of only in stories, and given the choice of a lifetime. Yet things are not as they seem. Tensions are brewing, kingdoms folding over one another just to survive another winter, gambling for the power on top. Power is shifting, EVERYTHING is shifting. And then there's Kendra, that girl she can only glimpse in hallways and mirror shards, who Ena somehow longs for. Caught in the crossfire of good, evil, rich, poor, ugly, and beautiful, Ena must find her way. She must find a way for us all, because she might just be our last hope, the only one who can fix this at all. "Try to escape, you'll always fail. The only way out is through a fairytale."All Rights Reserved
1 part