Set in the world of Naruto Uzumaki, a new character, Hoshiko Agawa, steps into the light, the two-faced jinchuriki, also known as the Spirit of Life and Death. With the power to use chakra to shape orbs, walls, and lasers of fire, water, light, earth, and air as well as life and death, Hoshiko has been shunned all her life just like Naruto. Pupil of Jiraiya and member of Team 7, Naruto and Hoshiko battle their way to acceptance, meeting many a friend and foe along the way.
You're the daughter of kakashi hatake.
Everything was good and fine in your life, nothing new until your dad decides he wants you to meet his team, 7
What could possibly go wrong?
I don't own these characters, majority of the storyline is mine. Characters will also be aged up!!!!!
(Sorry if this story is cringe!! This is your warning, not my proudest book)