Just some imagines with your favorite Teen Wolf characters
Ill be doing:
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Liam Dunbar
!Young! Derek
And others if they're requested.
Some of the oneshots will be like two sentences long, and others will be a lot longer, so it really just depends on what I feel like writing.
Be warned I have not finished watching all of the episodes, and I have probably forgotten half of the characters and monsters that are actually in the series, so I promise you I will make mistakes, and probably make crap up as I go, cause I have the memory of a dog, and I am really only doing these because I have like three ideas, and I can't find a lot of these on Wattpad.
I do not write smut, so please do not read this book expecting that, or requesting it. Thank you!
So after all of that, please enjoy these oneshots.
These are all my Teen Wolf fanfiction/imagines that won't have their own 'Story' books. These imagines include more than one character. Some imagines are paired up with the reader and some are not. Sometimes romantically and sometimes platonic. Some of the storylines are my ideas and some were prompts given my my readers and followers on Tumblr.
Occasionally, you will find imagines of the actors on Teen Wolf as well.