Nova Heck, just your usual teenage girl, is trying to find her place in the world.
She lives a pretty adverage life with her mum. Then as she breaks up for summer holidays, and travels to Austrailia, everything changes. Nova is tested to the max both mentally and physically. She lurches from one distaster to the next, bad luck is her constant companion.
Soon after, she comes across an immense secret that changes her life. Then she meets a handsome boy, and soon her emotions and hormones are flying around at such breakneck speed, that she has no choice but to run.
Over time, she realizes her strengths. She gets tougher... she learns how to push through the traumas and help those who are crying our for support.
Will Nova finally discover her destiny?
Will her life ever be pretty adverage again?
You can purchase my book of Amazon in ebooks or in paperback. All of the support would be deeply appreciated.
"do i look like i give a shit if he's poseidons son?"
water from the fountain splashed into her face, dripping from the dark ends of her hair
"the fact she's ares daughter means shit all to me"
and soon enough percy jackson was scanning the room as every lethal weapon began to shake violently