(Based off my roleplay, docs and shadows)
When the dragons went into the tunnel, none of them knew what was coming.
When expanding jade mountain academy, they come across a hidden tunnel, leading to very strange land, that is definitely not Pyrrhia, or even pantala. They plan to go in, and out, day by day, returning to their kingdoms after each journey.
But as he group of dragons went into the tunnel, it collapsed behind them, blocking the group from Pyrrhia, possibly forever, if they don't find a way back soon.
And to make things worse, the group is on the new continent with two new tribes, shadowwings and boulderwings, which both seem not to know who, or WHAT, they are...
Follow the journeys of the dragons from all 12 tribes as they explore the land, get to know each other, and face new threats no one even knew about...
For information on boulderwings, shadowwings, and the rp, look at the book. You are welcome to join at any time.