Burdened by her troubled past, Nakamura Suki returns to the chaotic world of Sannoh Region. In her search for a home, she accidentally encounters Hiroto Amamiya, the brother of her dear friend Takeru Amamiya, who tragically passed away. As Hiroto grapples with the weight of his brother's absence, Suki and Hiroto find themselves entangled in a journey of healing and self-discovery. Amidst the thunderous backdrop of rival gangs and complex emotions, their paths converge, revealing a connection that goes beyond friendship. As they navigate love, grief, and the intricate web of Sannoh's underworld, Suki and Hiroto must confront their pasts and find the strength to forge a future shaped by their shared bond. Will they find solace in each other's arms, or will the challenges they face tear them apart?All Rights Reserved