Origin of the word "Inspire" - Middle English "enspire", from Old French "inspirer", from Latin "inspirare" - 'breathe or blow into' ('in' = 'into' + 'spirare' = 'breathe').
The word was originally used of a divine or supernatural being, in the sense of 'imparting a truth or idea to someone'.
There is a connection with the word "spirit" which comes from the Latin word for breath - "spiritus", which is also from 'spirare'.
Spirit :
- the activating or essential principle influencing a person
- an inclination, impulse, or tendency of a specified kind : mood
- a special attitude or frame of mind
- the feeling, quality, or disposition characterizing something undertaken e.g. in a spirit of fun
We're all inspired by one another. Fanfic and Fanart are prime examples of work that is inspired.
Here you can find my poems that were inspired by other artists' work, e.g. paintings by fantasy artist extraordinaire, Stephanie Law, and the artists on deviantart. I look at their paintings, take in all the details, and weave them into poem-stories. I do the same with music too. Some music can have a very strong vibe or mood, and conjure up images in my head. This happened with the music composed by pianist, Guste Galuskinaite, which resulted in the poems A Frosty Morning and Dance in a Dream.
Hope you enjoy reading these poems as much as I enjoyed writing them!