Well, reality is not what it appears to be. I saw a video on a credible news site that supposedly came from the International Space Station, and the video showed the moon deflated like a ball. Here is the link: https://sg.tv.yahoo.com/viral/footage-iss-shows-moon-deflating-104219515.html Now, you can say that is a fake video, and there are many other debunk explanations, and the site "experts" said it was optical illusion due to some light diffraction yada, yada, yada..... but stuff like this is going on all the time around us, and people mostly don't notice, or accept the lame debunks because it is too disturbing to most to consider reality is not what it appears to be. These kinds of things are prep for spiritually conscious and awake God's elect like me, but not many seem to notice or care. The Matrix movie itself was put in this reality for elect like me, to help me wake up and prepare. Wacky outward supernatural reality-bending spiritual warfare of epic proportions is coming and only God's elect can wake up and realize it. The pentagon released UFO videos and admitted it is real, and STRONG evidence we are not alone, as no man-made craft can do the things these UFOs can do. And not many talk about those stunning admissions from credible source pentagon or seem to care. We have 100% proof we are not alone now, and being prepped for open contact I say. People should be concerned about that, as there are only two possibilities how we all got here: evolution or God. If evolution is true , these beings really ARE highly evolved ancient alien-gods, but if God really created the universe in a literal 6 days with only the appearance of great age to test the elect, then evolution cannot be true and these beings are demons prepping us for the outward showdown between the spiritual sons of God (demons) and the human sons of God (elect). Many Bible verses talk about the open contact deception in the last days.
♥ A Writer's Journal ♥
Where readers can get to know me, Stephanie Rose, through my writing processes, my multiple projects, and my passing thoughts.
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Where I share my projects, my woes, my hopes, my dreams.
Where I bring you, the reader, into my world -- the world of an author.
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