:33 H0M32TUCK H3ADC4N0N2 1N 2021 L0LZ,,,
:33 TH3R3 4R3 1ND33D 2MUT 0N32 20 B3 4W34R3 BR0 =)
:33 1'M 0NLY D01NG TH1S B3C4US3 1'M B0R3D L0L S0 1T W0N'T B3 GR34T
Iif the headcanon iis2about a certaiin character Ii'll use their trypiing quiirk2
There is indeed queer headcanons, so if perhaps, you are e%traordinarily bothered by it, leave now.
You can say wwhat you think or leavve suggestions in the comment, o-or wwhatevver
aNyWaYs, ThAtS iT mAh BrOs,,, ThIs Is GoNnA bE a MoThErFuCkInG MiRaClE :o)