Synopsis: Datura Birkinshire (protagonist) initially loathes classmate Justin Bieber (initial antagonist, 2nd protagonist), and vice versa. On a trip to Mexico, Justin secretly begins to fall in love with Datura. Does Datura return the love back? Does Datura hate Justin even more? What happens in the end?
Till this day, I pray that the Magnolia-white clouds that scud across the vast cerulean expanse of the sky carry my love to you.
Till this day, I pray that the majestic sphere of energy we call ‘Sun’ shines its rays of strength on you.
Till this day, I pray that the twinkling stars of the universe write out my affection towards you in the great yet complex constellations that they form.
Till this day, I pray that the notes that lay still on the scores of my symphonies sing for you the songs of my love for you.