Hinata Hyuga, a shy, nerd, athletic junior in high school who likes to keep everything on the down low. Her four best girl-friends, however, are Konoha High School's most popular cheerleaders. Her best boy-friends are Konoha's greatest soccer and basketball players to ever roam the school's halls.
One day, a mysterious, intriguing, yet hot bad boy named Naruto Uzumaki transfer to their school. When she has to help the bad boy out, she falls head over heels for him.
She finds herself separating Naruto's fights, treating his injuries, hanging out, supporting him through hard times, and controlling his temper.
Her father doesn't like her around to be around Naruto. Hinata tries to break their friendship but when Naruto saves her life, she finds it even harder to do so. At the same time, her friends seem to fighting amongst each other.
Hinata is ultimately left with a choice: follow her family's orders or stay with the one she loves and mend those closest to her.
"Sasuke Uchiha''. He is rich like hell, popular, handsome, wise and he has everything men wish to have. He joined the gang due to something but no one ever knew why.
"Hinata Hyuuga" is A quiet girl, who never talks if not necessary and who works part-time jobs to pay her loan and food as she is an orphan. She was bullied often and harassed.
If she was light, he will be darkness.
If she was a flower, he will be the gardener.
If she was a dancer, he will be the music.
When he first met this girl, his attention was caught and he wanted to know more about her. He attended the school just to know her, he moved near her house just to see her. Slowly, he realized that he fell in love with her. His love didn't decrease even though he learned about her dark past.
He continues to love her but what about her? Does she feel the same?