With the Coventrev family's fall from grace after the first wizarding war, they had retreated to France to quietly bring their three daughters up in the traditional pureblood way. However, upon hearing of The Dark Lord's steady return power, they need a way back into what they know will be the winning side.
And they find it, in the form of Narcissa Malfoy.
Her husband having been recently imprisoned, she agrees to an arranged marriage between her eldest son, Draco Malfoy, and the Coventrev's eldest daughter. By linking their two families, they stand to regain their lost influence amongst wizarding high society and the Dark Lord's favor.
However, it should come as no surprise that Draco, having become a newly minted death eater, is in no shape for marriage.
Neither is (Y/n) Coventrev, who, after a mostly sheltered upbringing in the French countryside, is thrust into a world of dark magic, dark secrets, and dangerous mistakes.
Will the two survive till the wedding date?
Gianna Snape, Severus's Daughter; Beautiful, Amazing, Intelligent, Loving, Everything A Boy Could Wish For, But She Doesn't Like To Be Owned.
She's A Popular Girl And Has Many Admirers And Many Enemies, Though She's Never Stopped By Anyone.
What Will Happen Once She's Forced Into What She Most Feared? Will She Fall For Anyone?
Draco Malfoy Fanfiction
Weasley Fanfiction
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