" Hector Blake, a retired and renown superhero, wakes up to adversaries who are replaced at an endless rate by the dark room, which has walls that are inert to his pyrokinesis. He incinerates the being that was flooding the room, leaving himself exhausted. Hector is lulled back to sleep by an enemy made of smoke, only to be snapped awake again. Hector continues to exhaust himself to ward off the embodiments of sloth and torpor. In the end, he fights his own applied thoughts in a sustained attempt to hold onto his conscious life. "
Sharing a short story I wrote called "Hector Blake" while I was working on my first novel. This is a 5000 word superhero science fiction story about a pyrokinetic Thor-like who fights off embodiments of sloth and torpor. I published "Hector Blake" independently in "SM-SARA, Poems and Other Stories" on January 31st 2021, and for Patreon subs on December 8th 2020. I had begun writing the story in February 2019, I drafted the script between March 19th to April 16th of the same year, and I had started editing at the beginning of that May. "Hector Blake" is a story I worked on here and there for about two years, and I have a plethora of HaikuPrajna based on his story which you can find anywhere you can find me.