In a world where humans coexist with supernatural beings, Patrick possesses extraordinary powers, including the ability to control gravity and molecules, and move as fast as lightning. His father, Will, has been kidnapped by their nemesis, and the only way to save him is to find a girl who can make herself-and anyone in physical contact with her-invisible.
Angela, a 21-year-old girl studying at an all-girls school, who has the very power Patrick desperately needs. As their paths cross, they are thrust into a whirlwind of danger and mystery. Initially bound by necessity, Patrick is forced to marry Angela to protect his powers and fulfill his father's wishes, as losing them means losing his chance to rescue Will.
But what happens when Patrick and Angela meet? Will Angela fall in love with Patrick, despite his lingering feelings for his ex-girlfriend, Stephanie? Can Patrick accept Angela for who she is, or will he remain haunted by his past?
As their relationship unfolds amidst supernatural threats and personal struggles, the stakes grow higher. Will they be able to navigate their complex feelings and unite against the forces that threaten their world?
Read the story to discover their journey of love, sacrifice, and the quest for freedom.
When her dad gets a new job, Mia Patterson and her family are forced to move to San Francisco. After Mia discovers that she can create and control lightning, things begin to get hectic.
Along with the abilities, Mia also discovers secrets from her past and learns new things about her present. What happens when she is forced to choose between her heart and the lives of those around her? Will Mia stay strong or will she let her lightning die out?
First Place in Young Adult/Romance for The Starlight Awards!
Second place in Science Fiction for The Ecco Awards!
#WattOriginals #ASA2020 contest entry #thewildflowerawards