I've always imagined what death was going to be like. When I was younger I imagined the afterlife made of white stoned buildings as tall as the stars and lines of gold and silver accenting the streets. Later in my teens that image was replaced with fire and brimstone, and the once wonder like view I originally had for it changed to fear. As I learned conflicting views and struggled with identifying what is right and what is wrong. It was only as a young adult that my views of the afterlife took a turn. I was tried of asking impossible questions that knew no answers like; "Do we have a soul?", "Is heaven or hell real?", and "If all religions believe theirs is the real one then which is the real one?" I found a friend, a mentor of sorts and I adapted there views. A cynical view of life where everything in life is coincidental. The afterlife isn't real, and the 'soul' didn't existence. She was my idol, my prophet to life and the answer to all the mystery's that plagued me. She was invincible, until she wasn't. It was until only after her death that I learned she was not perfect, but just as lost as me. Not longer after that an apocalypse ensued and I died early into it. Zombies. The last thing I expected to be met with after death was a cupboard. ----------------------------------------------------------All Rights Reserved
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