a friend is someone you can count on and sometimes we have the same crush its ron! we make good ideas and this gives me and idea I love you friendz and this gives me a snappy idea you think when I smile I'm happy but you don't know when I smile I might do something crazy you think I'm mad but I'm really sad I maybe be silent but when I talk to you I call you a client you maybe see me sleepy watch out when it dismissal I maybe hoppy I maybe small watchout when I grow I might crawl XD you maybe think I'm simple maybe Ill tell I joke that matteo do has a pimple XD I maybe grumpy because you think I'm clumsy we are friendz and this sign descibes a dove because our friendship is like a love we maybe do something crazy but don't worry this won't keep us lazy this is da end of my poem because I maybe going to rome hahaha my friendz this is not the because I'll make it da last ! do your best and god will do the rest!