10 parts Ongoing In the heart of an ancient forest, a young boy named Ethan vanishes without a trace, leaving his mother, Sarah, desperate and heartbroken. As she embarks on a harrowing search through the dark woods, she uncovers chilling secrets that threaten not only her sanity but the very essence of her soul.
Haunted by whispers of lost children and pursued by a malevolent entity known as The Hunter, Sarah discovers that the forest itself is alive with darkness, preying on her deepest fears. Every shadow holds a twisted reflection of the past, and as she fights to save her son, she must confront the terrifying truth of what lies within the woods.
With the clock ticking and hope waning, Sarah unearths ancient rituals and protective charms, but the forest seems determined to keep its secrets buried. As she delves deeper into its nightmarish depths, she learns that love can be a beacon of light in the darkest of places-but it may not be enough to shield her from the horrors that lurk beyond the trees.
In *Whispers of the Lost*, a mother's unwavering love is tested against the shadows of despair, as she race against time to rescue her son from the clutches of an unimaginable evil. Will she find Ethan before it's too late, or will she become just another lost soul in the dark?