This story follows the protagonist Aero (Are-a) the princess of the Kingdom of Nitrium under the rule of the lycan king her father King Potere(Po-tare). The princess was born with one blue and one brown eye and white hair while her mother and fathers where with brown and black this had not been seen in any of the realms so when she was born you could imagine the uproar. Shortly After her mother birthed her she passed due to unknown reasons. The princess had an older step brother whom she was not close with Polymestis(poly-mist-is) who would be succeding the throne soon. One night when not a mouse was squeeking not a wolf was howling and not a person was stirring for an unknown reason the princess fled the castle leaving sorrow from her loved ones in her path ,and confusion from the kingdom which resulted in rumors. After fleeing the castle the princess goes through many trials and tribulations that try to bend her to their will and make her break. So buckle up cause this is gonna be one wild ride. Because little did they know that she wasn't just a anyone she.... was........AERO Started:Feb/14/2021All Rights Reserved