The story sets in the year of 2050 when the fictive island called Kiribati has almost been gone to the underwater due to the sea level rise. Among all of the residents of the country, this novel shows a twenty years old girl namely Sunrie Tioram ( being masculine in the patriarchal society) who struggled hard to survive amongst that climate refugees and even she got seperated from her parents while they were being shifted to the asylum. Though she didn't surrender to herself, didn't turn back from her struggle, hadn't any matter how hard it was. And lastly she got reunited with her lost parents and her detached lover, Jack Giordano, but at the end she got a more tragic shock when she encountered one of her closest friends, Tianjin dying in the hand of the guard of the host land where they got asylum. So, being a female figure she surpassed so many troubles, excruciation from that submerged island to the refugee camps. Thus the homeless Sunrie and her fight against sexual violence, social violence etc. so called all of her excruciations are being showed throughout the novel. I hope that you all will enjoy this book and also support me with your valuable vote and comments.
5 parts