A girl, who lost her parents and got raised by her foster parents lives in a peaceful small town, covered by big walls and hidden in one of the biggest forests secret land Euphoria has. Atleast, it used to be peaceful. When the king and queen of Euphoria got murdered, chaos rised up. A dark, ancient, evil spirit has come across the land. Trees, plants, animals and humans slowly start going excinct. Everything is dying... yet, the girl, Arastella (5) still lives. Her foster parents hid her, hoping someone or something would take good care of her, before they were murdered aswell. Their wish came true, Mother Nature took her in. Arastella, who is still a young child and uncautious of the fact the evil spirit is after her, lives in the peaceful part of the forest now, hidden by Mother Nature in a big tree the old good spirits used to live in, like houses humans live in today. (They would cast a spell on their trees/homes... it would protect them from anyone and anything that tried to come in to cause trouble.) Atleast... what's left of it. Most of the forest and ancient trees and buildings got destroyed. There are still animals left, some willing to help her and some wanting to sacrifice her to the evil spirit, hoping the spirit would leave them alone if they did so. Back to the girl... Arastella has never been outside the walls of her town. On her 16th birthday, she's tired of getting hold inside the big tree of protection. She escapes, but at what cost... and does she get away from the danger that is following her, or better: will she be able to stop the chaos and bring peace to the land? Read this story to find out!(CC) Attribution-NoDerivs
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