This book describes some of the concepts of Halloween. It includes a couple of easy recipes for a Halloween party and some tips on the preparation of the pumpkin.
"As a Christian, I have described Halloween from my own
understanding, experience and research. The described events
are what I would consider to be appropriate and connected with
the celebration of the Halloween Seasonal Festival."
Please note:
"The descriptions recorded in this book are taken directly from
my own research, experience, beliefs and my personal
understanding of Halloween."
"As a Christian, I appreciate that some readers may consider my views to be biased. I hereby give you my assurance that this is certainly not my intention. If anyone believes that it is, then I profoundly apologise."
Halloween, What's It All About?
Halloween is a yearly celebration observed by western Christians and many Non-Christians around the world on October 31.
Spelt (Spelled) properly, it looks like this: Hallow-e'en.
Halloween is the shortened version of All Hollow-Evening.
Halloween is the Eve of All Hallows' or All Saints' Day.
Halloween is the night before All Saints' Day, on November 1.
Halloween is the night of October 31, before November 1.
Where Did It Come From?
The Pope made November 1, All Saints' Day around 735 A.D.
It is the holy day of obligation: You must go to mass.
The Celtic New Year was November 1, conveniently.
The night before was the night of all the Witches.
RC (Roman Catholic) whitewashed this night as All Hallowed.
Hallow-e'en: The Eve of All Hallows' or All Saints' Day:
Celebrated the last night of October.
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