Shae was a young 19 year old adult teen girl till she died & overdosed on pain meds as she died and stood befor God she seen her 3 famliy members she'd lost so quickly when she was alive and was still 18 befor her 19th Birthday and the loss caused her to go down in a Depression /Greif spiral god accepted the 3 of her loved ones into heaven at the golden shining gates Shaes mom camila her Grandma Briealla and Grandpa Reagan .the angels pushed her 3 Loved ones into hevaven ,while god turned Shae into a Hell Hound and threw her into hell for overdosing (it wasn't her fault ~but god wouldn't listen) Shae is separated from her loved ones and is alone in hell as a hell hound she has famliy in hell a Aunt maria she dispises because she tells Shae she is useless and lazy but her uncle Cassian is sympathetic of Shae for all she has gone through Shae runs away from the "home" wandering around scard and alone she is taken in buy octavia and her aristocratic Father and mother the "goi-sha " famliy take her in as their own ,Shae also lives with Luna from time to time with the imps (assassin organization)Luna being another hell hound like her teaches shae and Learns how to live like a hell Hound and how to make it in Hell and how to deal with not being alone shae also tells the 2 of her new HFFL (Hell Friends 4 Life) about the tragedy that has happened its a mistake That she was even in hell and a hound but god didn't listen to her Iva and luna are with shae and won't abandon Her in her time of needAll Rights Reserved