“I HATE YOU!” I screamed into my brothers face. “I DON'T CARE YOU'RE SUCH A SELFISH BRAT! WHY CANT YOU SEE I'M HAPPY!” Louis scream back at me. “Yeah you're happy! You dont even care about mum hurting me! Ever science you lied to me and left for the X factor, She hurt me and you didnt even care you were too busy hanging with Harry Niall Zayn and Liam while trotting around on stage singing!” He looked taken back. I let a tear fall down my face as I waited for a response. “Katrina you don't understand” I looked over at Liam who was coming closer to me. “No maybe I don't understand that my brother doesn't give two shits about me because he is too worried about how the paparazzi sees him!” I ran and I ran until I was half way around town. I looked around and said “I'm never going back.”All Rights Reserved