Set ninety-seven years after a nuclear apocalypse has destroyed civilization, when a spaceship housing humanity's lone survivors sends one hundred juvenile delinquents back to Earth, in hopes of possibly re-populating the planet, not knowing what they will find on the planet. Scarlet Aiden Barnes is not a normal girl she is the goddess of all, she can get anything just by thinking of it, like a new knife to a new power(super strength or telekinesis).She was known as Lilith or (queen of hell) on the ark because of how many people and guards she killed. She used to live on Earth before the apocalypse and she got a spot on the ship because of the job she had with her friend. Who is this mysterious friend? How did she trick everyone and live 3 generation on the ship and what did she do for everyone to start fearing her and for the some to start respecting her? What will happen to our 327 year old (goddess of all) on her trip back to Earth while keeping her identity a secret. And what secrets will she uncover. And why have the grounders taken an interest in her?