Louise has had a longtime admiration for Evie, and Evie has had feeling's for Lo before. However, Evie has had a hard time connecting with her feeling's ever since she was cheated on by boring ex-girlfriend Flare. Ever since then, Evie has had feelings for Lou but kept having second thoughts and would push her away. Ev would especially push Lou away when she was most caring and affectionate towards Ev. And when Lou was pushed away, Lou would get hurt and retaliate, then Ev would come running back as if nothing happened. And it would just be constant toxic cycle of loving and losing, and Lou getting hurt and Ev being confused. Then quarantine hit and they haven't seen each other since the last time they were in school together. Now, Louise and Evie are friends but they both secretly have feelings for each other and deep down, they both know, but they doubt it.