In the town of Berkly, a place in the middle of no where, lies a curse of the dead.What is the curse exactly?No one really knows.
The horrific story behind Berkly was yet to be found out until, the Johnsons' came to town.
Claire and her family are the new people in the small, lonely town of Berkly.They move into the scary mansion on the corner thinking, for such a low price it surely was a good deal.Not much is known about the house they are moving into except, that the previous owners from centuries ago were murdered.Claire immediatly feels something isn't right about Berkly and the mansion.Though, of course, the Johnsons' not including Claire don't care because they think it makes the house more valuable, more historic.But they are about to find out how wrong about that they are, for not everything is as it seems to be.The towns' people aren't normal people.As Claire digs deeper into the mysteries of Berkly she discovers something about the town no one would ever want to know.
Wanna find out more?Well you're just gonna have to READ IT!XD