This will be very angsty. Current triggers include self harm eating disorders suicide attempts rape and abuse. This list will be a lot longer later but just read each trigger warning at the beginning of each chapter. ///|||\\\ Tommy sat at his desk and looked down at his homework. He hadn't thought about how long it would take maybe an hour. He noticed he was light headed and thought back over the day trying to figure out why. His mind settled on the apple. He had eaten it for lunch and now realized that he ate nothing else. He felt proud of that and then felt immensely guilty for feeling proud. He startled when he looked at the clock. 2:30 he had plans with Wilbur in 30 minutes. Not that he particularly wanted to be on call with Wil, but if he missed it today Wil would tell his mother something was off. Wil might anyway because Tommy was definitely going to be less energetic. Tommy thought about streaming the game that Wil and he had planned but in the end decided against it because he didn't want to get up to grab a jumper to cover his arms. The relapse last night wasn't bad exactly but it was on his left wrist almost a complete circle around it. He remembered bending the safety pin to dig deeper and draw more blood. Damn it was a lot of blood. It had been awhile since he had relapsed and Tommy had forgotten how much his arms bled. The camera might not even pick it up but he couldn't risk it.