In a world where science and nature collide, "The Star that Cursed the Animals" takes readers on a thrilling journey of survival and redemption. Set in 2016, scientists discover a star with the power to transform animals into uncontrollable, towering creatures known as macro furs. However, this bizarre phenomenon spares humans, leaving them to witness the chaos unfold. Braden Baum, our courageous protagonist, returns home to find his two beloved dogs, Camille and Skye, behaving strangely and undergoing physical transformations. As the days pass, the animals continue to grow in size, fueling their destructive urges. Will Braden uncover a cure to reverse this curse, or will he succumb to the jaws of his once loyal companions? Brace yourself for a gripping tale of resilience and the fight for survival in a world where the line between friend and foe is blurred. "The Star that Cursed the Animals" will keep readers on the edge of their seats, questioning the boundaries of loyalty and the hidden powers of the universe.