In a world where alien abductions are whispered myths, Shawn finds himself at the heart of a terrifying reality. Captured by a ruthless extraterrestrial race, Shawn is forced into an alliance with Zerath, an alien outcast who defies her kind's cruel nature. Together, they attempt a daring escape from a labyrinthine spaceship, uncovering the aliens' dark experiments and plans to invade Earth.
Shawn's journey takes him from a prisoner to an accidental leader when a mutagen temporarily transforms him into the likeness of the alien master. Using wit and courage, Shawn manipulates the hierarchy, risking his life to halt the invasion and save humanity. Amid the chaos, Zerath sacrifices herself to protect him, only to later reveal a shocking truth about her identity.
(Description to be posted soon)
People's Choice Award
October 11, 2017 - #447 IN SCIENCE FICTION
October 12, 2017 - #458 IN SCIENCE FICTION
October 13, 2017 - #382 IN SCIENCE FICTION
October 14, 2017 - #369 IN SCIENCE FICTION