What if there was another Voltaris who washed up on the beach - one that he knew? One that was supposed to be dead? What if there actually was a fifth song, more powerful than the Aggressium Song? More powerful than all four combined? What secrets lie in the past, present, and future? This is my own, much more dramatic adaptation of Songs of War by Black Plama Studios. It focuses more on Achillean "Tidesinger" Nestoris, Ingressus "Deathsinger" Voltaris, and my character, Riza "Fifth Song" Ardoni. The other characters will make appearances, but this story will focus mainly on the trio. The timeline is mostly the same. If you have not watched Songs of War on YouTube, then please go and watch it! If you haven't, I will explain things (badly), so don't worry. Also, I will edit everything when this is completed! So it may look terrible now, but it will look better later!