Andromeda Lupin, attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and befriends a pair of twins. Fred and George Weasley, accompanied by her life long best friend Emily Black. Friends with Fred but has always been closer to George and falls for him. Will her story go the way she hopes it will? Or will it all go downhill? In this book I have changed it to that Andromeda, Narcissa and Bella are a lot older than what they are, and Sirius is a lot younger. Also I have changed it to that Tonks is the same age as Remus and was in school with the Marauders. i own only Andy, Emily and a couple of surprise characters that make an appearance. Everyone else is by J.K Rowling (who I do not support) Also bare in mind that my book will go by the movies at times but will not be intirely accurate. Enjoy :)
115 parts