No matter where she goes, Eliza Whittle just can't shake the stalker scientist on her tail. He wants her special abilities for his own. For her, no destination is final.
In The Birmingham Affair, Eliza and her trusty pet Ava are at the beginning of their journey, and are faced with the reality stretching before them. Dr. Magnus Reynolds is one step behind them, trying to box them in - and they have to escape.
In Nothing Hurts Like Losing, Dr. Magnus Reynolds flees London following a disastrous attempt to capture Eliza. His return to Inverness results in both another devious plot and a fateful meeting with his old rival, Daphne Bligh.
In Crossing the Line, Scarlett Murphy is a scientist in Daphne Bligh's laboratory, and she smells a rat. Suspecting that her boss is up to something nefarious, she decides to dig a little deeper - but can she handle what she finds?
This is a short story collection that accompanies the Nowhere is Final series, available in full on Wattpad and in part on Inkitt.