A boy named Hajime Hinata, had volunteered to take part in the Izuru Kamukura project, which ended in a success, and the "ultimate hope" was born. But, at what cost? The boy lost everything: His hobbies, his personality, his curiosity to grow and learn, etc... Basically, his humanity. He felt no emotions except for boredom as he had nothing to look forward to. After 3 months of observing Izuru's actions and behavior, the school decided he was finally ready to attend the Hope's Peak Academy. Which means he'll study alongside other ultimates, and finally, fulfill his purpose as the ultimate hope.
Meanwhile, Junko Enoshima, the ultimate fashionista/ despair, is planning to try and get him to team up with her. And together, spread despair around the world.
-Will Junko be able to get to Kamukura and destroy the world with him? Or will Izuru reject Junko's desires and refuse to help her?
-Will Nagito Komaeda, the ultimate lucky student, be able to save Izuru before he makes a decision that will forever haunt him? Or will the world fall into despair by the hands of none other than the "ultimate hope" himself?
*This fanfiction does NOT include smut as it makes me uncomfortable*
⚠ "Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair" Includes spoilers, mentions of death! ⚠
Nagito Komaeda and Hajime Hinata had met, only when they were the young age of five. They were friends for about five years, Hinata was the only friend Komaeda was lucky enough to have back then. But Hinata had to move away once they were around eleven, leaving Komaeda and himself in a deep depression. Hajime accidentally forgets about the other, until they coincidentally meet at Hope's Peak. Hinata still doesn't quite remember the other, but, he feels as though the other is much too familiar, while Nagito remembers him clearly and tries to help Hajime remember. As Hinata tries to remember each other and become close again, which is a rocky road considering how much Komaeda seems to have changed, they begin to develop feelings for each other.
Please do not plagiarize my work.
Cover Art is by ぼ on Pixiv, ID is 82027820