this is 100% true and happened to me, but it has anonymous characters. also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the very last chapter/conclusion type thing when you get to it (it has important shit). btw the holding hands part is the only event that did NOT actually happen. i put it in to replace another event that didn't really flow with the story. with that said i hope you enjoy!!! 😃 ps: i was inspired by gossip girl because i used real people but different names with the same letter of the real name and it is a very jUiCy story too pps: the funny thing is in gossip girl, dan writes the story, and the kid i got shipped as a joke with sorta kinda maybe looks like him in a way (not really, but in a way) PLEASE READ AND ENJOY!!!!! READER DISCRETION IS NOT ADVISED BUT STILL DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!! HAPPY READING BITCHES!!!! 😝 also i would just like to point out the cover picture. those kids look very similar to lilly and isaac (thanks google. love ya for that) -if you took that sarcastically, please know that this WHOLE thing is ANONYMOUS and that i'm not on google (i'm too fabulous to be on there 😌) also this is lilly's experience/pov. children's cut is gwen's!!!! JESUS CHRIST THIS SHIT IS SO BAD BUT IM ONLY KEEPING IT BC IT HAS VIEWS AND AWARDS AND SHIT BUT ONLY READ IF U WANT IDRC BUT IT SUCKS ASS. I HIGHLY SUGGEST AND RECOMMEND U READ THE GOSSIP GIRL AND CHILDREN'S CUT BC THOSE R SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN THIS BUT THIS IS FUNNY AND KIND OF LIKE FOR COMIC RELIEF AND MORE OF A REALISTIC APPROACH BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ THE OTHERS I PROMISE YOU THEY'RE BETTERAll Rights Reserved