When what started out as an innocent badger-watching morning goes horribly wrong, the quietly brilliant Jonathan Creek and his intrepid investigative journalist friend, Madeline Magellan, find themselves tangled up in a confusing web of mystery, murder and madness when she witnesses a man strangling a young girl over the kitchen sink. Just when Madeline thinks she has the answer to this puzzling enigma, the plot takes a deeper, darker, more confusing twist than ever. How can a brutal murder be committed by someone who's three weeks dead? *I didn't finish because I want to encourage people to watch the show* Watch the original episode! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3jJhSmpPs4&feature=related (Part 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eF_KFrl4WIM&feature=relmfu (Part 2)