Bonjour! I've been gone for a hella long time doing God knows what. But, I'm back and here I present to you... -Drum Roll- a miscellaneous Creepypasta (Written by me)! Enjoy! ------------- Vlog entry 23: You know that site called, “Craigslist.Org”, right? That place where you can sell things! Animals , furniture, clothing etc… I was just searching around on there looking to see if they had any Golden Retrievers that were in need of a home. I had always wanted a Golden Retriever when I was a kid. I went to the search bar and quickly typed in, “Animals”. I made a cursory browse throughout the whole selection of animals that were being offered for around 80$, depending on breed and size. After scrolling back up, one advertisement caught my eye. It being labeled, “Dapple Dachshund: Free”, I looked at it some more and well, eventually I clicked the picture. It linking me to the page where it provided the needed information to contact the seller.Bảo Lưu Mọi Quyền
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