-The Promised NeverLand was made by: -Pictures aren't mine -Conny Appreciation Story -Anna Appreciation Story -Connie's few in Chapters _-_ -Anna's few in Chapters _-_ -The name of the story doesn't take place until a few chapters in -You can skip some of the discripions in the BackStory if you want they aren't nessasary. -AU BackStory:Instead of Conny getting shipped a little girl named Olivia got shipped.And before they escaped the orphanage they told Phill and Conny,that their friends are getting shiped.After a two years they went back to orphanage and got the rest of the children,after all the demons were killed they left into the human world being praised in all the city's and towns.They had gotten shelter in a great apartment in a big city near resources.They were living as normal as they could in the human world for years,discovering new holidays as Christmas,Easter,Ect.But they find out about the 4th of July.And watch the fireworks every year.And most now say "It's my favorite day of the year!"All Rights Reserved
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