Set in the year of 2080, 60 years after the reign of BTS ended. The generation after that era have no idea who BTS are, or what they have done for this world. Everyone thinks of them as frauds or conartists who stole money from millions by showing fake innosence. No one knows the actual truth, because there is no one to tell them. For BTS themselves are dead, along with their fandom ARMY. They died in the year of 2021 in a plane crash, and the only reason they know why they died is that BTS were fleeing when the media came to know their true identities. And uptil the year of 2080, this is the only story the world knows of the seven boys, who became the most loved people in the world, out of an ordinary and not so famous boy group. And maybe, the story will stick on for eternity, forever known in history. Unless someone changes it. Unless someone uncovers the truth as to what actually happened to the boys that final Year of Silence and why they had such a tragic yet suspicious end. But how will someone find out the truth, when the truth was buried six decades ago, with no evidence left behind? How will someone find out the truth, when BTS themselves were never aware of it? Kim Ye Suh is the grand daughter of BTS sub manager, and like everyone in her generation, hates BTS. And yet, fate had other plans for her. Because after all, in a generation like 2080, time travel is real. ----- An ARMYverse story. ----- This story is clearly a work of fiction, only based on the boy band BTS and does not have a real life story based to it. Plagiarism or copyright issues will not be tolerated if found any. Please keep that in mind.All Rights Reserved