Hello. I am Pielover. I write poems. A lot.
Disclaimer: A Lot Of These Are Fandoms!!!
Disclaimer.2: The Cover Is Style By Taylor Swift It Is Not Mine
Most of them are though, so don't worry, but some I just feel I should put out there just in case.
When I'm feeling sad, happy confused, angry, or just bored with nothing else to do (my landlady who claims not to be my housekeeper said that this was better that shooting walls all day) I hope you enjoy my collection of poems.
I use Rhymezone.com for a lot of my rhyming, because rhyming is cool! (Just like bowties, fezzes, and stetsons)
Also, the Evil Queen Regina teamed up with Rumple to confirm that sometimes poetry can actually bring back someone's should once they have been sucked into a fandom.
So here you go!!
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