Naruto Uzumaki is a broken girl. A girl who had to grow up much faster then anyone in her generation. At the age of 3, she met the Kyuubi, Kurama-Nii as she calls him. Naruto's innocent was destroyed after the age of 4 when she was raped. When she was 6, she began noticing a strange presence in her mindscape. When she asked Kurama, Kurama said that her soul mate is a Jinchurriki and can enter the Mindscape as their mindscape is connected but the two Jinchurrikis cannot see each other's appearance only a shadow of their body. An invisible wall was placed to the keep them apart but Kurama and Shukaku destroyed the wall and allowed the two Jinchurrikis to touch each other but they still aren't able to see each other's appearance, still a shadow. Naruto decided when she was 7 that she would pretend to be a male to protect herself after getting raped a second time. She's now a Genin and her life becomes interesting.All Rights Reserved